casn, the brand.

Casn, as any company, has specific brand guidelines to safeguard our image. We have several fonts that we associate our brand with, and use several colors unique to us to portray ourselves. We request that usage of our company names or otherwise suggesting relationships with casn, that our guidelines are followed.
Generally for text relating to casn, we expect the following:

Casn uses two fonts, these are:

Our colors are:

Dark Green
Dark Green

Then our logo is generally like:


This is simply a white 'Lobster' text, saying 'casn', overlaying a rectangle, colored 'palatinate' (#59114D). White is used as a substitute for magnolia, because magnolia over palatinate appears pale and improper. Then for any subdivisions, they shall follow a similar style, this being:

casn, tech

Here we do use magnolia because the sub-divisions should appear pale and less focused than casn itself. Furthermore note the appropriate padding on either side of the logo. Whilst we have no constant width/heights, we recommend using logos from our logo packs.

Copyrights & Licenses
The designs and logos for casn are copyright Hayden A. N. Goult (sole shareholder of casn and lead designer). They may be used only in approved ways. For questions, contact

Logo Packs
To view and use any logo packs, you may request them from the copyright holder, as above.

'casn' is a division of Casn Corporation Limited, registered company in England & Wales, Number 15054139